Hey Queen!
Hope you had a great week.
This week I cleaned out my nightstand and found a stack of sticky notecards. I thought “oh these will be great for my planner” As I looked over the notecards to decide which one to use first I saw one that said “Hustle Hard” in a beautiful script font.
This got me thinking: is this what I want to tell myself?Would I tell my friends this?Would I tell my sister, mom or my daughter? When did we get so conditioned that in order to be successful we need to “hustle hard”? I know a few years ago it was popular to promote “hustle culture”. The “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” trope was common in self help books and social media.
Today, if you scroll social media you’re more likely to see the “soft life aesthetic” but still the image of women “hustling” their way to success is still encouraged. I don’t think you have to be one or the other extreme. Certainly, there are times that call for relaxation and other times that call for you to put your head down and do the work.
I just can’t subscribe to the “hustle hard” part. It conjures images of exhaustion, under eye bags, skipped meals, missed time with friends, overdue nail appointments, stress… none of those are things I want for myself or for you. So here’s our collective reminder to seek balance this week.
Know when to do the work, but know when to sign off for the day. Write down your top 3 goals for the day. Do the hardest one first and if one or two don’t get done that day, guess what? There’s tomorrow.
Outsource the things that you can and don’t be afraid to ask for help. People are often willing to chip in and help…just open your mouth and ask!